Continuing the discussion from Closed Poll: Đăng ký tham gia Writing Class lần 1 vào thứ 7 - 14/02/2015:
As discussed, we would like to announce the first writing class start from now - 14/02/2015. This is our very first writing class, there are a few guidelines I hope everyone may acknowledge.
- Only use English as the official language in this topic
- If you have any question, please send me a private message or, better, ask here Cùng học Speaking và Writing trên DayNhauHoc
- Don’t be afraid of grammar mistakes or language usage, we are going to do a review at the 3rd day.
- You can “censor” your post if you like, read this topic to know how @TTmagic did it
You might curious about what you like to talk. Yes, I’m glad you asked. Here is our brief instruction, please follow it.
The instruction is still in our first stage of the DNH English program. We are willing to hear your feedback on how should we improve the topic guidelines.
Writing: Introduction of yourself to make friend. Hints: Anything about your information listed below:> 1/ Your family
2/ Your hobbies
3/ Your unique talents
4/ Your wishes and dreams of whatever you want to be
5/ Your career (Job or School or wherever you start with your career)> Brainstorm it on a paper by answering questions:> 1/What (definition, meaning of what you are going to talk)
2/ Why (reason)
3/ Where and When that happened
4/ How (procedure)