Hỏi về cách học một ngôn ngữ mới

Chào cả nhà, hiện em đang cày cuốn JS và PHP để làm cái Personal Page :stuck_out_tongue:, mà chẳng biết cách học một ngôn ngữ mới sao cho nhanh và hiệu qủa, dùng cách cũ thì thấy chẳng ổn chút nào.

Cách Học Cũ:

  • Ban đầu: Tìm một nguồn tài liệu tiếng việt (Vd như Vietjack)
  • Ghi chép hết tất cả các cơ bản của nó vào một quyển vở
  • Cách ghi: hầu như chỉ ghi theo dạng cú pháp: VD: $<tên> = <gía trị>;
  • Qui trình học: 70% lý thuyết, 30% thực hành
  • Cách thực hành: làm theo project, thêm vào project những tính năng mình đã học

mọi người góp ý giúp em với :frowning: về nhược điểm của cách này hoặc giới thiệu cho em cách học mới cũng đc ạ, thấy học như thế này mãi cũng chẳng đc và chẳng ổn tí nào :joy:
Em cảm ơn rất nhiều


Bỏ ngay bước tìm tài liệu tiếng Việt, hãy học bằng tiếng Anh để cập nhật tài liệu mới nhất.

Và đừng học cú pháp, hãy tìm những hướng dẫn viết dạng ví dụ tạo 1 app từ đầu đến cuối sẽ hiệu quả hơn.

Góp ý tí là nếu bạn muốn tạo personal page thì đừng dùng PHP làm gì, nghiên cứu về static site generator :wink:

  1. Search google: What is good/best source/book to learn XXX for beginner? :V
  2. Học theo tut/sách mới tìm được
  3. Làm các bài tập cơ bản cho quen syntax
  4. Làm các project nho nhỏ
  5. Làm các project to hơn
  6. Lượn github đọc code của người khác
  7. Lặp lại từ 4 cho đến khi … chán :joy:
  8. Tìm tài liệu cao cấp hơn, học theo xong lại quay lại bước 4 :joy:

Mình thường học thế này

  1. Lên trang chủ làm cái tutorial sample đơn giản nhất để xem nó hoạt động thế nào? Một số trang còn có Webina như Laracast chẳng hạn, xem cái series cơ bản nhất. (Cái này để ice breaking khi học 1 cái mới, đồng thời mình vừa làm vừa so sánh với những cái cũ)
  2. Kiếm một cuốn sách học nhanh như for dummy, 24hour, … Chủ yếu đọc để lấy concept.
  3. Sau khi xong phần cơ bản gồm xem clips + ebook (thường mất khoảng 3 ngày), mình kiếm một khóa học trên coursera, edx, … (MOOC) và theo nó tới cuối. Khóa học mình chọn thường sẽ học trong 4 tuần, dạy theo phương pháp top-down (tức là dạy làm app từ A->Z).
  4. Kiếm một cuốn sách dạng pro / cookbook để đọc theo hình thức bottom-up (tức là chia theo chủ đề để mình hiểu hơn về nguyên lý hoạt động / core / … tránh monkey_coding mà không hiểu gì cả)
  5. Sau 1 tháng học (3) và (4), làm một side project, tham khảo code trên github, lục lọi SDK hoặc nhẩy vào làm prj luôn. Vừa làm vừa hỏi, vừa làm vừa tra cứu.
  6. Theo dõi 1 số trang để cập nhật kiến thức.

Mấy anh chi hướng dẫn hết rồi nhé
tặng chú cái note về javascript:


Javascript, a scripting language, is only compiled when an interpreter (built into the web browser) reads it. 
So when your web browser reads a web page with a Javascript program in it, the web browser translates the Javascript into something the computer understands.


Everything is a variable and the later variable will override the sooner one if they are the same name.
	function run(speed, time) {
		alert('You are running at ' + speed + ' km/h and you have been running for ' + time + ' minutes');
	var run = function() {
		alert('You are running.');
	run = 5;
	run(); // try to call a function and got an error: a is not a function

- Declare local variables if possible (var variable).
- Using Object-oriented in Javascript
- Do not put <script>...</script> many places in a web page, just "one entry point" for easier maintaining in the future.

In JavaScript there are 5 different data types that can contain values:
There are 3 types of objects:

And 2 data types that cannot contain values:

1) The "typeof" Operator
You can use the "typeof" operator to find the data type of a JavaScript variable.


	typeof "John"                 // Returns string 
	typeof 3.14                   // Returns number
	typeof NaN                    // Returns number
	typeof false                  // Returns boolean
	typeof [1,2,3,4]              // Returns object
	typeof {name:'John', age:34}  // Returns object
	typeof new Date()             // Returns object
	typeof function () {}         // Returns function
	typeof myCar                  // Returns undefined (if myCar is not declared)
	typeof null                   // Returns object

As you can see above, you cannot use "typeof" to identify if an object is an JavaScript Array or a JavaScript Date (always returns object). You can use the "constructor" property below to do that.

2) The "constructor" Property
The "constructor" property to returns the constructor function for all JavaScript variables.


	"John".constructor                 // Returns function String()  { [native code] }
	(3.14).constructor                 // Returns function Number()  { [native code] }
	false.constructor                  // Returns function Boolean() { [native code] }
	[1,2,3,4].constructor              // Returns function Array()   { [native code] }
	{name:'John', age:34}.constructor  // Returns function Object()  { [native code] }
	new Date().constructor             // Returns function Date()    { [native code] }
	function () {}.constructor         // Returns function Function(){ [native code] }

	You can check the constructor property to find out if an object is an Array (contains the word "Array"):
	function isArray(myArray) {
		return myArray.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array") > -1;

	You can check the constructor property to find out if an object is a Date (contains the word "Date"):
	function isDate(myDate) {
		return myDate.constructor.toString().indexOf("Date") > -1;

3) Type Conversion
a) Automatic type conversion
	var numOfShoes = '2';
	var numOfStocks = 2;
	var totalItems = numOfShoes + numOfStocks;
	alert(totalItems); // '22' or 4?

	if (numOfShoes == numOfStocks) { // convert data type automatically before comparing


	if (numOfShoes === numOfStocks) { // does not convert data type, so always returns "false" when two operands are not the same type


b) Using functions
- Every object/variable could be converted to a string by using "toString()" function.
- Using Number(), String(), Boolean(), Date()
	String(false)        // returns "false"
	String(true)         // returns "true"
	false.toString()     // returns "false"
	true.toString()      // returns "true"
	(123).toString()	// return "123"
	String(123)			// returns "123"
	Number("3.14")    // returns 3.14
	Number(" ")       // returns 0 
	Number("")        // returns 0
	Number("99 88")   // returns NaN
	Number(false)     // returns 0
	Number(true)      // returns 1
	d = new Date();
	Number(d)          // returns 1404568027739

Object is the main data type in JavaScript. "Everything" in JavaScript is an Object. Even primitive data types (except null and undefined) can be treated as objects.
	Booleans can be objects (or primitive data treated as objects)
	Numbers can be objects (or primitive data treated as objects)
	Strings are also objects (or primitive data treated as objects)
	Dates are always objects
	Maths and Regular Expressions are always objects
	Arrays are always objects
	Even functions are always objects

A JavaScript object is a complex variable, with properties and methods.
1) Properties
2 ways to access the property of an object:


2) Methods
Call a method:

3) The "this" Keyword: 
- "this" is the object (instance) that "owns" the current code.
- The value of this, when used in a function, is the object that "owns" the function.
- The value of this will become the "new" object when the constructor is used to "create an object".

1) Static Class (could not create an instance) - also called Object literals: should only be used for simple objects setups, such as 
pure JSON data
a) Using new Object()
	var person = new Object();
	person.firstName = "John";
	person.lastName = "Doe";
	person.age = 50;
	person.eyeColor = "blue";

	person.run = function() {
		this.state = "running";
		this.speed = 15; // km/h

b) Using literal notation {}
	var timObject = {
		firstName : "John",
		lastName : "Doe",
		age : 50,
		eyeColor: "blue",
		address: {
			country: "US",
			state: "CA"
		run : function() {
			this.state = "running";
			this.speed = 15; // km/h

2) Normal Class:
Using a Object Constructor (Javascript function) to define a class. Then using "new" operator with its constructor to create an instance object of the class:
	function Cat(name) {
		this.name = name;
		this.talk = function() {
			alert( this.name + " say meeow!" )

	cat1 = new Cat("felix")
	cat1.talk() //alerts "felix says meeow!"

	cat2 = new Cat("ginger")
	cat2.talk() //alerts "ginger says meeow!"

NOTE: in Javascript, a function always returns a value. If you don't return anything in it, it will return "this" object.

There are features that still remain valid in JavaScript pseudo 
classes, such as "private members" and "privileged methods" that are not 
available in the object literals.
The following is a typical class definition using a constructor function:
var MyClass = function () {
	// private property and method
	var myPrivateVariable, myPrivateFunction;
	myPrivateVariable = "This is a private variable";
	myPrivateFunction = function (x) {
		return x + 1;
	// public property and method
	this.myPublicProperty = "This is a public property";
	this.myPublicMethod = function () {
		return myPrivateVariable;

JavaScript has built-in constructors for native objects:
	var x1 = new Object();    // A new Object object
	var x2 = new String();    // A new String object
	var x3 = new Number();    // A new Number object
	var x4 = new Boolean()    // A new Boolean object
	var x5 = new Array();     // A new Array object
	var	x6 = new RegExp();    // A new RegExp object
	var x7 = new Function();  // A new Function object
	var x8 = new Date();      // A new Date object

As you can see, JavaScript has object versions of the primitive data types String, Number, and Boolean.
There is no reason create complex objects. Primitive values execute much faster.
	var x1 = {};            // new object
	var x2 = "";            // new primitive string
	var x3 = 0;             // new primitive number
	var x4 = false;         // new primitive boolean
	var x5 = [];            // new array	object
	var	x6 = /()/           // new regexp object
	var x7 = function(){};  // new function object

a) Using "prototype" property to add more methods:
	Cat.prototype.changeName = function(name) {
		this.name = name;

	firstCat = new Cat("pursur")
	firstCat.talk() //alerts "Bill says meeow!"

b) JavaScript Objects are Mutable
Object are mutable: They are addressed by reference, not by value.

If y is an object, the following statement will not create a copy of y:

	var x = y;  // This will not create a copy of y.
The object x is not a copy of y. It is y. Both x and y points to the same object.

Any changes to y will also change x, because x and y are the same object.

c) Loop through properties of an object:
	firstCat = new Cat("pursur")

	for (var x in firstCat) {
		alert(x + " - " + firstCat[x]);

d) Encapsulation:
	function Cat(name) {
		var aName = name;
		var talk = function() {
			alert(aName + " say meeow!");
		return {
			name: aName,
			talk: talk

JavaScriptdoesn't have the concept of namespace, andfurthermore, managing 
the global variable scoping is not easy. In a complex application using several 
third-party libraries and frameworks, we really need something that can be used 
as a sandbox to ensure the uniqueness for symbols and identifiers.
In this situation, we can use one of the most known JavaScript idiomatic patterns: 
the module pattern. This pattern is a good solution if we need to introduce a class 
definition sandboxing, not only to "protect" our names and signatures, but also 
because it's very useful when we work in a team and every member has to focus 
on different parts of the solution. In fact, with this kind of magic box, we can 
individually test our classes and be sure that they will work when we put every 
part together.
The module patternis based on self-executing functions, another well-known 
idiomatic JavaScript syntax with several implementations, such as the following:

	this.myModule = (function (module) {
		module.MyClass = function () {
			//MyClass definition
		return module;
	}(this.myModule || {}));

Here's a brief explanation:
	- 'this.myModule' is a property assignment: 'this' is the global JavaScript object 
(in a web browser it's the 'window' object), 'myModule' is the property that will 
contain the module definition. It's important that this identifier is as unique 
as possible because it will be exposed to every other library (it's our brand 
identifier such as 'jQuery' or 'ko').

	- '(function (module) {…}(…))' is a self-executing function. There is the 
anonymous function definition first and immediately after there is its 
invocation (the two outer parentheses are a common habit, placed to inform 
that the enclosed function is a self-executing one). The return value will be 
assigned to the 'myModule' global property.

	- 'this.myModule || {}' is the argument passed to the self executing function. 
This is a common expression that takes into account two possible situations. 
If 'this.myModule' has already been assigned, it will be passed to the 
function; otherwise, the function will receive an empty literal object, which 
will be the initial module object. This is considered a micro-optimization. 
When the global scoped objects (such as a 'document' or 'window') are passed, 
it gives immediate scope so that the browser doesn't have to search through 
the scope chain.

	- The self-executing function content takes the 'module' object as an argument. 
Then, it defines some module content (in this example, we add a 'MyClass'
definition). Finally, it returns the module itself and this is the result that is 
assigned to the 'myModule' global property.

If we use this module definition for every class we need to define, in every file, we 
can sleep easy because no matter how many times we call this assignment, no matter 
in which order, this idiomatic syntax will add a new piece of functionality to the 
module. The first time 'this.myModule' will be undefined so as to start with an empty 
literal object, and from the second time onward we will reassign the 'myModule' global 
object to itself, adding something new inside the self-executing function every time.

*) Execution context in Javascript:
When a function is invoked, an execution context is created. The context is created with the following process:
	+ The "arguments" object is created.
	+ The function's "scope" is created.
	+ "variables" for the function are instantiated.
	+ The "this" property (for the context itself) is created. ("this" is a property of the object function)
==> "this" is the reference to the object that is considered the context (or scope) of the function's invocation.

1) Parameters:
Function arguments are the real values passed to (and received by) the function. JavaScript functions do not perform type checking on the passed arguments. JavaScript functions do not check the number of arguments received.

If a function is called with missing arguments (less than declared), the missing values are set to: undefined

We can set parameter defaults like below:
	function myFunction(x, y) {
		if (y === undefined) {
			  y = 0;
Or, even simpler:
	function myFunction(x, y) {
		y = y || 0;

If a function is called with too many arguments (more than declared), these arguments cannot be referred, because they don't have a name. They can only be reached in the arguments object.

2) The "Arguments" Object
JavaScript functions have a built-in object called the "arguments" object. The argument object contains an array of the arguments used when the function was called (invoked).


	x = findMax(1, 123, 500, 115, 44, 88);

	function findMax() {
		var i, max = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
			if (arguments[i] > max) {
				max = arguments[i];
		return max;
Arguments are Passed by Value: if a function changes an argument's value, it does not change the parameter's original value.

Objects are Passed by Reference: if a function changes an object property, it changes the original value.

3) A function is also a variable (data):

	function Person(firstName) {
	  this.firstName = firstName;

	Person.prototype.sayHello = function() {
	  alert("Hello, I'm " + this.firstName);

	var person1 = new Person("Alice");
	var person2 = new Person("Bob");
	var helloFunction = person1.sayHello;	// refer to a function definition

	person1.sayHello();                                 // alerts "Hello, I'm Alice"
	person2.sayHello();                                 // alerts "Hello, I'm Bob"
4) Call a function by using funcName(), it does not care how much parameters you put into it:
	helloFunction();                                    // alerts "Hello, I'm undefined" (or fails
														// with a TypeError in strict mode)
	alert(helloFunction === person1.sayHello);          // alerts true
	alert(helloFunction === Person.prototype.sayHello); // alerts true
5) Two special ways to call a function dynamically:
a) Using Function.call(theObject, parameter1, parameter2,...): fun.call(thisArg[, arg1[, arg2[, ...]]])

	helloFunction.call(person1);                        // alerts "Hello, I'm Alice"
b) Using Function.apply(theObject, [an array of parameters]): fun.apply(thisArg, [argsArray])


3 posts were split to a new topic: Hỏi về cách đọc tài liệu tiếng Anh

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