Input từ C vào X86 và output từ X86 ra C

Chào mọi người,

Mình đang học môn kiến trúc máy tính trong kỳ học này và có được giao một bài tập về lập trình X86 trên cả 32-bit và 64-bit như sau:

void sudoku(char mtx[9][9]);

write a simple Sudoku solver in assembly. The C program should read from stdin 9 lines of digits and other characters (spaces, minus signs) representing positions of unknown digits. Output the solution to stdout.

Mình đã tìm được giải thuật từ Internet về xử lý trò sudoku. Nhưng ở đây, bảng sudoku được fix sẵn các giá trị ngay từ khi khai báo còn yêu cầu từ thầy giáo là phải input vào qua C sau đó truyền các tham số / dữ liệu qua assembly để xử lý rồi lại đưa kết quả về C để hiện ra màn hình.

Mình muốn hỏi làm thế nào để liên kết được giữa C và X86 nhằm mục đích chuyển những tham số, biến.
Mình xin cảm ơn.

Đây là code mình tìm được trên Internet:

;;;; sudokiller.asm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;                                                                            ;;
;; Sudoku game solver                                                         ;;
;;                                                                            ;;
;; Version      : 1.0                                                         ;;
;; Created date : 05/09/2005                                                  ;;
;; Last update  : 06/09/2005                                                  ;;
;; Author       : Daniele Mazzocchio                                          ;;
;;                                                                            ;;
;; Replace the 'board' table with the puzzle you want to be solved, filling   ;;
;; the empty cells with zeroes. Then compile and run this program using the   ;;
;; commands:                                                                  ;;
;;                                                                            ;;
;;   nasm -f elf sudokiller.asm                                               ;;
;;   gcc -o sudokiller sudokiller.o                                           ;;
;;   ./sudokiller                                                             ;;
;;                                                                            ;;

[section .data]
align 4

; This is the game board. Fill it with the puzzle you want to solve
board       db    0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 5, 0
            db    0, 0, 8, 3, 0, 5, 6, 0, 0
            db    2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
            db    8, 0, 0, 4, 0, 7, 0, 0, 6
            db    0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0
            db    7, 0, 0, 9, 0, 1, 0, 0, 4
            db    5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2
            db    0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 6, 9, 0, 0
            db    0, 4, 0, 5, 0, 8, 0, 7, 0

; printf format strings
separator   db    "+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+", 0Ah, 0
board_row   db    "| %d | %d | %d | %d | %d | %d | %d | %d | %d |", 0Ah, 0

[section .text]
align 4

extern printf, exit
global main

; Single-line macros -----------------------------------------------------------
%define  SIZE      9                 ; Width of the Sudoku board
%define  BOX_W     3                 ; Width of the inner boxes
%define  BOX_H     3                 ; Height of the inner boxes
%define  EMPTY     0                 ; Empty cells marker
%define  RET_OK    0                 ; Return code upon success
%define  RET_FAIL  1                 ; Return code upon failure

; Macros -----------------------------------------------------------------------
%macro  print_separator      0       ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    push   dword separator           ;
    call   printf                    ; Print a separator between board lines
    add    esp, 4                    ;
%endmacro                            ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

%macro  setup_stack_frame    0       ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    push   ebp                       ;
    mov    ebp, esp                  ; Set up the stack frame according to the
    push   ebx                       ;   C calling convention, preserving the
    push   esi                       ;   ebp, ebx, esi and edi registers.
    push   edi                       ;
%endmacro                            ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

%macro  destroy_stack_frame  0       ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    pop    edi                       ;
    pop    esi                       ; Destroy the stack frame restoring the
    pop    ebx                       ;   edi, esi, ebx and ebp registers to
    mov    esp, ebp                  ;   their original values.
    pop    ebp                       ;
%endmacro                            ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; main - Call the guess() function and print the resulting board. If no solution
;        exists, the board will be printed as it is (with zeroes)
; Action      : Call guess(), print the board and exit cleanly.
    setup_stack_frame                ; Set up stack frame

    push   dword 0                   ; Offset of first cell to guess
    call   guess                     ; Start brute forcing the solution
    add    esp, 4                    ; Clean up the stack
    mov    ebx, eax                  ; Save return code

    call   print_board               ; Print resulting board

    push   ebx                       ; Exit with guess() return code
    call   exit                      ; Exit cleanly
    add    esp, 4                    ; Clean up the stack

    destroy_stack_frame              ; Destroy stack frame
    ret                              ; Return

; guess - Test all candidate numbers for the current cell until the board is
;         complete
; Args        : offset (at [ebp + 8]) - Offset of the cell to guess
; Action      : Loop on numbers from 9 to 1 to find candidates for the current
;               cell. If none is found, return RET_FAIL. Otherwise go on to the
;               next cell.
    setup_stack_frame                ; Set up stack frame

    mov    esi, [ebp + 8]            ; Store offset in esi
    cmp    esi, SIZE * SIZE          ; Is offset outside the board bounds?
    je     .return_ok                ;   If it is, return RET_OK

    xor    edx, edx                  ; Clean edx
    mov    eax, esi                  ; eax = offset
    mov    ecx, SIZE                 ; Set divisor to find cell's column
    div    cx                        ; edx = column index of cell
    mov    ebx, eax                  ; ebx = row index of cell

    cmp    byte [board + esi], EMPTY ; Check if cell is empty
    je     .loop                     ;   If it is, jump to the loop
    inc    esi                       ;   Otherwise increment offset
    push   esi                       ;   push it on the stack
    call   guess                     ;   and go on to the next cell
    add    esp, 4                    ; Clean up the stack
    jmp    .return                   ; Return the value returned by guess()

        push   edx                   ; Push cell column index
        push   ebx                   ; Push cell row index
        push   ecx                   ; Push number to check
        call   check                 ; Check if number is a legal candidate
        pop    ecx                   ; Restore ecx (number to check)
        pop    ebx                   ; Restore ebx (row index)
        pop    edx                   ; Restore edx (column index)

        cmp    eax, RET_OK           ; Examine check() return value
        jne    .next                 ;   If RET_FAIL, try next number
        mov    byte [board + esi], cl ;  If RET_OK, assign number to cell

        push   ecx                   ; Save ecx
        push   edx                   ; Save edx
        inc    esi                   ; Increment offset of number to guess
        push   esi                   ; Push guess() argument
        call   guess                 ; Call guess() on next cell
        add    esp, 4                ; Clean up the stack
        pop    edx                   ; Restore edx
        pop    ecx                   ; Restore ecx

        cmp    eax, RET_OK           ; Examine guess() return value
        je     .return               ;   If RET_OK, return RET_OK
        dec    esi                   ;   If RET_FAIL, restore esi to current offset
            loop   .loop             ; Loop on every number form 9 to 1

        mov    byte [board + esi], EMPTY ; If no number worked, empty the cell

    mov    eax, RET_FAIL             ; Set return value to RET_FAIL
    jmp    .return                   ; Jump to Return instructions

        xor    eax, eax              ; Set return value to RET_OK

        destroy_stack_frame          ; Destroy the stack frame
        ret                          ; Return

; check - Check if a number is, according to Sudoku rules, a legal candidate for
;         the given cell
; Args        : num (at [ebp + 8])  - Number to check
;               row (at [ebp + 12]) - Cell's row index
;               col (at [ebp + 16]) - Cell's column index
; Action      : Return RET_FAIL if the number already appears in the row, column
;               or 3x3 box the cell belongs to. Otherwise return RET_OK.
    setup_stack_frame                ; Set up stack frame

    mov    ebx, [ebp + 8]            ; Store number in ebx
    cld                              ; Clear DF

;;; Row check - Point to the beginning of the row ([board] + row * SIZE) and
;;; parse it looking for the number we're checking
    mov    esi, board                ; Load board address in esi
    mov    eax, [ebp + 0Ch]          ; Load row in eax
    mov    ecx, SIZE                 ; Set column counter
    mul    cl                        ; eax = row offset from board
    add    esi, eax                  ; esi = address of row's first cell
        lodsb                        ; eax = number in current cell
        cmp    al, bl                ; Does the cell contain our number?
        je     .return_fail          ;   If it does, return RET_FAIL
        loop   .row_check            ;   Otherwise, go on to the next cell

;;; Column check - Point to the beginning of the column ([board] + col) and
;;; parse it looking for the number we're checking
    mov    esi, board                ; Store board address in esi
    mov    eax, [ebp + 010h]         ; Load col in eax
    add    esi, eax                  ; esi = Column offset from board
    mov    ecx, SIZE                 ; Set row counter
        cmp    byte [esi], bl        ; Does the cell contain our number?
        je     .return_fail          ;   If it does, return RET_FAIL
        add    esi, SIZE             ;   Otherwise, point to the next cell
        loop   .col_check            ;   and loop on each column cell

;;; Box check - Point to the top-left corner of the box the cell belongs to
;;; ([board] + (col - (col % BOX_H)) + ((row - (row % BOX_W)) * SIZE)) and
;;; parse it looking for the number we're checking
    mov    esi, board                ; Store board address in esi
    mov    edx, eax                  ; edx = col
    mov    ecx, BOX_H                ; Set divisor
    div    cl                        ; ah = col % BOX_H
    sub    dl, ah                    ; dl = (col - (col % 3))
    add    esi, edx                  ; esi = [board] + (col - (col % 3))

    mov    eax, [ebp + 0Ch]          ; eax = row
    mov    edx, eax                  ; edx = row
    div    cl                        ; ah = row % BOX_W
    sub    dl, ah                    ; dl = (row - (row % 3))

    mov    eax, SIZE                 ; Set multiplicator
    mul    dl                        ; eax = ((row - (row % 3)) * 9)
    add    esi, eax                  ; esi = address of box's top-left corner
        mov    edx, ecx              ; Save row counter
        mov    ecx, BOX_W            ; Set column counter
            lodsb                    ; eax = number in current cell
            cmp    al, bl            ; Does the cell contain our number?
            je     .return_fail      ;   If it does, return RET_FAIL
            loop   .box_row_check    ;   Otherwise go on to the next row cell
        add    esi, SIZE - BOX_W     ; Point to the beginning of next row
        mov    ecx, edx              ; Restore row counter
        loop   .box_check            ; Loop on each box row

    xor    eax, eax                  ; eax = RET_OK (0)
    jmp    .return                   ; Number is a legal candidate for this cell

        mov    eax, RET_FAIL         ; Store return value in eax

        destroy_stack_frame          ; Destroy stack frame
        ret                          ; Return

; print_board - Print the Sudoku board
    setup_stack_frame                ; Set up stack frame

    print_separator                  ; Print top border

    mov    esi, board + (SIZE - 1)   ; Point to the end of the first row
    mov    ecx, SIZE                 ; Set rows counter
        std                          ; Set DF to load data in reverse order
        mov    ebx, ecx              ; Save the outer loop counter
        mov    ecx, SIZE             ; Set the columns counter
            lodsb                    ; Store cell content in eax
            push   eax               ;   and push it on the stack for printf
            loop   .inloop           ; Loop on each row cell

        push   board_row             ; Push format string
        call   printf                ; Print row
        add    esp, 028h             ; Clean stack

        print_separator              ; Print separator between rows

        add    esi, SIZE * 2         ; Point to the end of the next row
        mov    ecx, ebx              ; Restore the outer loop counter
        loop   .loop                 ; Loop on each row

    destroy_stack_frame              ; Destroy stack frame
    ret                              ; Return

Hi there, me again :smile:
Tớ không có kiến thức về x86, nhưng theo tớ biết thì cậu có thể inline code asm vào code C :smiley: Tớ nghĩ đó là 1 option cậu có thể làm.

Cậu có thể thấy trong hướng dẫn build, họ có dùng gcc để build ra file .o, vậy nên tớ đoán cậu hoàn toàn có thể cải tiến code asm thành thư viện, rồi import vào code C như thư viện C thông thường.
Tớ cũng chưa làm vậy bao giờ, nên về cơ bản tớ chỉ suggest đc cậu vậy. Cậu thử tìm hiểu thêm, hoặc chờ ai đó trả lời cậu trên SO xem :wink:


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