Why are film actors so highly paid whereas scientists have to practically live on peanuts?

When Stephen Hawking’s father suggested him to get a permanent home-nurse, he answered that he cannot afford a nurse. His father in a surprising tone asked him, " how come? you’re world famous." Stephen Hawking in a quirky tone replied, “Yes, for black holes, not for rock concerts.”

That is the condition of Scientists. Yes, film actors and musicians are highly paid and Scientists live on peanuts but we can’t blame the actors for that. In any profession, money is generated from the number of people his work gets appreciated. If I write a book on explaining the solution of 3-D Turbulence equations, who’d buy that?, probably in hundreds. If I write a book about the sex-life and breakups of Kate Upton, million copies get sold in hours!

In simple words, most people are not smart enough to understand and admire the work done by Scientists but almost everyone living on this planet loves entertainment, sex, and music, including Scientists. As long as the people don’t get excited enough to understand complex Science, things won’t change.



[quote=“ltd, post:1, topic:4356”]
for black holes, not for rock concerts
[/quote]I like this point of view!

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Câu này chất này, bản chất là làm nghề gì cũng vậy, nếu mình tạo ra sản phẩm có nhu cầu lớn thì ắc lợi nhuận sẽ cao.

Nhưng mà cũng buồn cho các nhà khoa học :frowning:

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