The common in VN is the range of salary too wide.
You can see someone get only 5M or 10M per month, and you can also see someone get 100M per month. But overall, the salary in VN is way to low when compare with our neighbor. For someone who has better English and work for foreign companies or outsourcing will have much higher pay than average.
Notes that, in VN when we talking to Salary, by default it’s salary per month (doesn’t matter how many day each month).
Surprisingly the cheapest cost when compare to Western countries is the housing cost. In a busy city like Saigon, you can rent a room for 5M (~ $200USD) per month while you need to pay x5 or more in western cities. The second cheapest in VN is phone plan. You can pay few dollars for hundreds Mb data
Not to mentioned, the most expensive one in VN can be a car. The OTD price is so high especially for car with big engine and import from outside Asian. Also, you have to go to get Gov. checkup for every 6 months when you car getting older.