Một bài viết về trẻ em

Children should always follow their parents’ advice. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience

Some people said that children should always obey their parents’ advice when they are young and when they become older, they can make decisions by themselves to be more independent.
On the one hand, young people do not know what to do, what is right or wrong. And only their parents can teach them about that. All parents want to give the best things for theirs ’ children, so their advice can make children better. If young people do not obey their parents’ advice, they can have bad behaviors and even be in dangerous situation.
On the other hand, making decisions make children more independent. If they rely on their parents, they will not make decisions by themselves and fail when their parents do not help them. The mistakes and failures are the best way to be mature. The older they are, the more responsible with what they did they are.
In conclusion, parents’ advice should be obeyed by their offsprings. I think it is good for children’ maturation and they can become responsible members of the society.

Xin lỗi bạn mình nghĩ bạn nên sửa chữa một số vấn đề:

  • Tiêu đề bài viết cần ngắn gọn súc tích
  • Nội dung bài viết, bạn tự dưng quăng 1 đoạn engrisk vào và chẳng kèm câu hỏi, vấn đề cần hỗ trợ gì cả.

Riêng mình thì thấy bạn đang thiếu tôn trọng người được hỏi.
Nhân tiện crush mình cũng tên giống bạn và đang học tiếng Anh.


Bạn ấy nên học cách đặt c hỏi để đc trợ giúp tốt nhất và cũng làm ng khác cảm thấy thoải mái khi giúp


hehehehe =))
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