Code bị lỗi name is not defined

Em bị lỗi name is not defined ở line 7, mọi người chỉ em với ạ

import pygame, sys, random
def draw_floor():
		screen.blit(floor, (floor_x_pos,600))
		screen.blit(floor, (floor_x_pos+432,600))
def create_pipe():
	random_pipe_pos = random.choice(pipe_height)
	bottom_pipe = pipe_surface.get_rect(midtop = (500, random_pipe_pos))
	top_pipe = pipe_surface.get_rect(midtop = (500, random_pipe_pos - 650))
	return bottom_pipe, top_pipe

def move_pipe(pipes):
	for pipe in pipes:
		pipe.centerx -= 5
	return pipes
def draw_pipe(pipes):
	for pipe in pipes:
		if pipe.bottom >= 600:
			screen.blit(pipe_surface, pipe)
			flip_pipe = pygame.transform.flip(pipe_surface, False, True)
			screen.blit(flip_pipe, pipe)
def rotate_bird(bird1):
	new_bird = pygame.transform.rotozoom(bird1,-bird_movement*3, 1)
	return new_bird
def check_collision(pipes):
	for pipe in pipes:
		if bird_rect.colliderect(pipe):
			return False
	if <= -75 or bird_rect.bottom >= 650:
		return False
	return True
def bird_animation():
	new_bird = bird_list[bird_index]
	new_bird_rect = new_bird.get_rect(center = (100, bird_rect.centery))
	return new_bird, new_bird_rect
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((432,768))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
gravity = 0.25
bird_movement = 0
game_active = True
#chen background
bg = pygame.image.load('assets/background-night.png').convert()
bg  = pygame.transform.scale2x(bg)
#chen san
floor = pygame.image.load('assets/floor.png').convert()
floor = pygame.transform.scale2x(floor)
floor_x_pos = 0
bird_down = pygame.image.load('assets/yellowbird-downflap.png').convert_alpha()
bird_mid = pygame.image.load('assets/yellowbird-midflap.png').convert_alpha()
bird_up = pygame.image.load('assets/yellowbird-upflap.png').convert_alpha()
bird_list = [bird_down, bird_mid, bird_up]
bird_index = 0
bird = bird_list[bird_index]
#tao chim
bird = pygame.image.load('assets/yellowbird-midflap.png').convert_alpha()
bird = pygame.transform.scale2x(bird)
bird_rect = bird.get_rect(center = (100, 384))

birdflap = pygame.USEREVENT + 1
pygame.time.set_timer(birdflap, 200)
#pipe_surface = pygame.image.load('assets/pipe-green.png').convert()
#pipe_surface = pygame.transform.scale2x(pipe_surface)
pipe_list = []
spawnpipe = pygame.USEREVENT
pygame.time.set_timer(spawnpipe, 1200)
pipe_height = [200,300,400]
while True:
	for event in pygame.event.get():
		if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
		if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
			if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and game_active:
				bird_movement = 0
				bird_movement = -11
			if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and game_active == False:
				game_active = True
				pipe_list.clear() = (100,384)
				bird_movement = 0
		if event.type == spawnpipe:
		if event.type == birdflap:
			if bird_index < 2:
				bird_index += 1
				bird_index =0

			bird , bird_rect = bird_animation()
	if game_active:

		screen.blit(bg, (0,0))
		bird_movement += gravity
		rotated_bird = rotate_bird(bird)
		bird_rect.centery += bird_movement
		screen.blit(rotated_bird, bird_rect)
		game_active = check_collision(pipe_list)
		pipe_list = move_pipe(pipe_list)
	floor_x_pos -=1
	if floor_x_pos <= -432:
		floor_x_pos = 0


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