Hỏi cách phục hồi codeblocks

Mọi người chỉ em cách phục hồi với code block e ko dùng được

Boy, don’t feel insulted if I have to tell you the “tachelets”.

  • First: you posted a screenshot without any description and expected us as wizards or witches to foresee your problems and offer you a solution?
  • Second: you are learning IT as a developer but you don’t even know how to work with a sophisticated IDE. Then the question is why you are NOT using the simple notepad to do the coding?
  • Third: suppose you buy a sleek car and want to drive it. You climb into your fancy car, press the “start engine” button, but nothing happens except that the dashboard flashes wildly with the empty tank or empty battery indicator. You grab your smartphone, take a photo and show it to the world asking why the car doesn’t work…

You are making a laughing stock of yourself.

83% thành viên diễn đàn không hỏi bài tập, còn bạn thì sao?