Westerners are, as you call us Caucasians, “shaped” by three streaming: Greek, Roman and the Middle Eastern religion, Christianity. The latter is the dominant force of Western thought today: absolutism like all Middle Eastern religions (Islam, Judaism and Christianity). Unlike Asian religions where there are many gods who divide and rule the world in agreement, Middle Eastern religion is completely binary: Me or NOT-Me (e.g. God or Satan). No minor god, no vice-god. And this belief requires believers to be absolutely obedient: Me or NOT-Me.
Democratism (Greek) or republicanism (Roman) still exist, but both are shaped by Middle Eastern binary absolutism, and that means: either democratism OR republicanism, even if they share the same thoughts. Later came communism, a binary result of rampant capitalism in the industrialized UK. Where did communist thinking come from? Karl Marx was a German Jew - so the roots came from the Middle East! Communism is the opposite of capitalism, just like democratism or republicanism. Again, this is a binary absolutism.
Colonialism started in Europe and was triggered by overpopulation in Europe. Europeans swarmed out, equipped with industrialized weapons, and colonized the world with less effort, where most places were sparsely populated (America, Australia, New Zealand). Asia was less overpopulated than Europe at the time, with the exception of China and probably India. However, Europeans (including the Russians) were able to colonize Asia thanks to their superior weapons. Because Asia was “well” populated, the West could not assimilate and absorb the colonized people like in America or Australia. The West gradually lost its occupied land - with the exception of Russia. Russia still keeps its colonized land - Siberia. This is because northern China (i.e. Siberia) was and still is sparsely populated.
Today the world is the opposite of what it was in the colonial century: Asia is now overpopulated, for example: Vietnam had around 30+ million inhabitants in 1960. Today: 90+ million. A population growth of 300x within a generation (60+ years). And the reverse trend continues in a different form, but the core remains the same: swarming-out and colonizing. Instead of weapons, today it is illegal immigration, but the suffering is the same for both sides: the colonized people and also the illegal colonial immigrants.