A sad BBC report of today

I found this article on the BBC site

Channel migrants: The real reason so many are fleeing Vietnam for the UK

(click HERE for the full report)
and I find it sad and also strange why people are fleeing Vietnam to seek an unknown future in an unknown country. As unskilled workers they will surely end up in slave labour. Is this better than in Vietnam?

When I was a child, I thought the West/ Western/ white people was truly admirable in every way. During my student years, I found out what was going on. And so far, I think that the “Westerners” (“Tây lông” in Việt-Nam-mi) seem to be too arrogant about their understanding. They are only good at science (or logical thing in common), but their understanding of life is inferior to the East/ Eastern… 5,000 years. Whites are very weak compared to people of color when compared to their intuitive abilities.

For those who don’t believe what I say, try reading the book [

The Arthashastra (Penguin classics): Kautilya


With the above article, it seems that the author of the article wrote no different from the Americans who talk about Vietnamese communists as “rice farmers” who know nothing about political science. But one day they discovered Pham Xuan An, at that time they saw that James Bond was nothing, but “jambon”.

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You may be right in many aspects. But the fact is that people like these “illegal” immigrants are damaging and destroying the reputation and prestige of the country they come from. The Egyptians or the Indians can look back on a culture that is over 7000 years old and be very proud, but the reality shows a different, pathetic picture (e.g. mass rape). And the current reality counts on the world stage.

Like you, 20 years ago I had great admiration for China and Vietnam. I even learned Chinese and Vietnamese, and was also in China and Vietnam. Since China became a world power, China has behaved even “uglier” than the US (the ugly American). Maybe this ugliness (or arrogance?) comes from the 5000+ year culture?

Trump is returning to power thanks to the anti-illegal immigrants. These illegal immigrants make life difficult for the legal immigrants who have either lived there for years or are naturalized. In the USA and the EU there is a visible shift to the right due to the increasing crime rate among the illegal immigrants. Trump’s man Vivek Ramaswamy is a child of legal immigrants from India and Elon Musk is a legal immigrant from South Africa, but why are they both against the illegal immigrants? I know a Vietnamese couple who run a restaurant in Perpignan and are radically against illegal Vietnamese immigrants. That is probably the real reason why they do not show solidarity with their compatriots. The image of Vietnam is severely damaged and impaired by such stupid illegal immigrants.

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What you say is exactly what is happening in reality today. Once again, it shows that Westerners are very pragmatic, see the symptoms (manifestations) of the disease, and try to cure it in an “anatomical” way. Let’s try to trace the roots of why illegal immigrants only flood into countries that used to carry out colonialism? How many illegal immigrants enter former colonial countries? With a superficial view, it is assumed that immigration to Western countries is because they… rich, easy to make money. I wonder if Joe can see what most Orientals are seeing? We’re seeing one thing: what gives is what we receive, in a way, it’s karma --> “fruit of action”.

I also wonder how the whites will solve this problem or will they continue the path of building the Tower of Babel that their grandfathers left behind a lesson that they never wanted to learn? Are they believing that they are getting very close to God without going through the path of “sanctifying life” but only focusing on finding algorithms to build artificial intelligence models that are beyond their understanding?

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Westerners are, as you call us Caucasians, “shaped” by three streaming: Greek, Roman and the Middle Eastern religion, Christianity. The latter is the dominant force of Western thought today: absolutism like all Middle Eastern religions (Islam, Judaism and Christianity). Unlike Asian religions where there are many gods who divide and rule the world in agreement, Middle Eastern religion is completely binary: Me or NOT-Me (e.g. God or Satan). No minor god, no vice-god. And this belief requires believers to be absolutely obedient: Me or NOT-Me.

Democratism (Greek) or republicanism (Roman) still exist, but both are shaped by Middle Eastern binary absolutism, and that means: either democratism OR republicanism, even if they share the same thoughts. Later came communism, a binary result of rampant capitalism in the industrialized UK. Where did communist thinking come from? Karl Marx was a German Jew - so the roots came from the Middle East! Communism is the opposite of capitalism, just like democratism or republicanism. Again, this is a binary absolutism.

Colonialism started in Europe and was triggered by overpopulation in Europe. Europeans swarmed out, equipped with industrialized weapons, and colonized the world with less effort, where most places were sparsely populated (America, Australia, New Zealand). Asia was less overpopulated than Europe at the time, with the exception of China and probably India. However, Europeans (including the Russians) were able to colonize Asia thanks to their superior weapons. Because Asia was “well” populated, the West could not assimilate and absorb the colonized people like in America or Australia. The West gradually lost its occupied land - with the exception of Russia. Russia still keeps its colonized land - Siberia. This is because northern China (i.e. Siberia) was and still is sparsely populated.

Today the world is the opposite of what it was in the colonial century: Asia is now overpopulated, for example: Vietnam had around 30+ million inhabitants in 1960. Today: 90+ million. A population growth of 300x within a generation (60+ years). And the reverse trend continues in a different form, but the core remains the same: swarming-out and colonizing. Instead of weapons, today it is illegal immigration, but the suffering is the same for both sides: the colonized people and also the illegal colonial immigrants.

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I think we need to back to the origin topic. It doesn’t make sense to judge any culture on the personal view!

The illegal immigrant together with human trafficking is one of big concern for any countries these days. Even people can spend hours on internet and social media but still lack of information. They are promising to earn more money, good life but end up as illegal worker, slave worker…

It’s been long enough for left-wing government in western countries moving to far-left letting population, crime, housing price,… growing uncontrol.
It’s time to make “adjustment”. Trump won easily as people need for changes. I am curious to see things changes in 2025 since Trump kicked start the conservative’s wave. It’s effecting in their neighbour as Trudeau just inform to resign yesterday.
I don’t know in EU, how do you think Joe ?

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Exactly what I said about overpopulation. Culture here is just a triggering side effect for the poor and underprivileged. All these people want a better life but due to lack of education they think that if they live in a rich country they will automatically become rich. An Omose effect.

The cultural side effect is the familial expectation in Asia. Children should also support their family, like in all Confucian countries. The elders unconsciously make the younger ones their personal slaves. This burden is easy meat for traffickers. They just need to promise a paradise in the West for some “fee” and then things happen: the poor become illegal immigrants with an uncertain future in an unknown country.

But have these poor ever thought why China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and all developed nations in the West have “problems” with “shrinking” population while population in poor countries like India, Southeast Asia, South America or Africa is “exploding”? Nothing comes from nothing. In the rich countries mentioned, people are struggling for jobs and have less time for each other (in the family) and many prefer to stay single, so there is a population decline, while in a poor country the population keeps growing and that makes that poor country poorer and poorer.

Trump and his men (Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy) have already interfered in the internal affairs of the EU. Britain’s Starmer is currently under Musk’s fire and the upcoming elections in Germany are also being tampered by Musk (and Putin). Macron expressed his discomfort about the interference for Marie Le Pen’s party…

It will be hilarious when Trump is officially sworn in as Again-POTUS in the next two weeks. Hard life for illegal immigrants and foreign students in the USA. The EU is also changing. Germany, for example, wants to revoke the citizenship of (legal) immigrants who commit crimes…

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Not very related to this topic however this is one of reason people considering to migrate to a Western countries for working, especially in IT sector. Of course, I am talking to legal immigrant!

=> Link to VNE (Vietnamese/ EN-Google Translate)

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Very interesting and very informative. Thank you.

What I see here is exactly what is happening in Europe and the USA. Consumer or classic IT is oversaturated. Anyone who still believes in a good future with consumer IT will be the loser in the end. Example: “SAP now wants to cut up to 10,000 jobs” and wants to bet on AI (or Kunstliche intelligenz -KI- in Geman). The same happens to France (HERE) and the USA (HERE). So, as you can see, the West and the US also have big problems with “classic” IT. And I believe that layoffs in Vietnam are certainly no exception.

As I told you in this thread, the US sets the IT trend and the trend today is AI, which consists of machine learning, deep learning, neuron networking, facial Recognition, etc.

My luck was with OOP and the internet/web boom. Your chance is with the AI ​​tsunami that is currently shaking the world and offering people a new excellent opportunity in unknown, new frontier with smart drones, autonomous driving, smart robots, etc.

I have been worked in both environments and I can say the story in VNE is 100% accurate in VN.

I agree with you It happen in Western countries too but less serious than VN, China,… I remember in my previous employer, the company policy disallow HR for asking Age and previous salary.

P/s: I want to work till 80yrs old as Larry Ellison. I will keep you updated if I still be able to find IT job at that age :smiley:

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:rofl: Glad to hear from you often. I am 70 now… maybe I will move to Nirvana and live there before 2030. By the way, when I was in the States and was allowed to attend the takeover talks of SUN by ORACLE, I knew this man not only by sight but also from some social gatherings in Silicon Valley. This man worked hard, very hard and was always very sharp. Working hard here does not mean 10+ hours/day, but more the highest efficiency that this man achieved. And his hobby is also his sport: sailing. Sailing requires not only physical strength and mental calmness, but also quick and firm in decisions. Since I returned to Europe, I do not know if he is still working or not. But with his wealth and position, he can achieve anything (including work) beyond 80…90…100…

I hope you could become the Vietnamese version of Larry Ellison. When the time comes, I will definitely visit Vietnam again and attend your inauguration as the first Vietnamese tech US$ billionaire…always wish for you.

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