Looking for a software engineer with 2-3 years of experience, able to communicate well in English to work in Singapore - 2019

Hi all,

My friend is looking for a software engineer with at least 2 years of experience to work in Singapore in at least 3 years contract terms.

Here is the summary:

Salary: Negotiable
Location: Singapore
Job Type: 3 years contract, Full time
Company: Compex Systems
Updated on: 11 Jan 19

Compex Systems

From its inception in 1987, Compex Systems has become a global player in design and manufacturing in the wireless industry with the Global headquarters in Singapore, Compex Systems offers a comprehensive range of off-the-shelf, value-added design and engineering services tailored to the global market and its needs. Compex Systems offers value to customers by increasing speed to market, provide unique, innovation and most importantly cost effective solution to enhance customer success and competitive in the challenging market.
With our own Manufacturing facilities based in Suzhou, China Compex Systems has easy access to engineering resources and a wide selections of manufacturing components. These advantages will help shorten the time to market, enhancing our competitiveness as an OEM, ODM and JDM for wireless solutions.

Key Roles and Responsibilities

  • To develop software to work with the company’s hardware. The softwares range from embedded software, desktop to mobile application. Depends on your skills and interests we will have different tasks.
  • Analysis current software bugs, customer issues related to our products


  • Programming skills in C, C++, Shell scripts. If you don’t know any of the language but you are eager to learn the tools for the job? We are more than happy to have you.
  • Linux kernel and device driver knowledge is a huge advantaged.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of networking essentials, including LAN/WAN, Routing and Networking Protocols, DNS, DHCP.

Please send your cv to alex_tiong@compex.com.sg


Sao không có địa chỉ gửi CV vậy ạ


Đã thêm cái địa chỉ gửi cv :slight_smile:

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We need more CV guys.

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Hello sếp ơi!

Mình lấy job này về đăng lên web jobseekers.vn có được không?

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OK, Thank @TaoLaoBidaoBanBanhBa

Thêm CV nào mọi người, lâu lâu mới có cơ hội.

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Anh cho e hỏi Chi phí sinh hoạt ở singapore như nào ạ?

Tuỳ vào style sống của em thôi. Tầm 1k SGD là đủ với yêu cầu không ăn nhậu :smiley:

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Không biết hôm nay có muộn quá không.
E Đã gửi CV. Cảm ơn a nhiều!
A cho e hỏi, mình ở Vietnam gửi CV thì họ có contact mình không a?

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Cần thêm một vị trí nữa nhé, ai có hứng thú thì pm hoặc gửi email trực tiếp tới alex_tiong@compex.com.sg

pass: bạn anh Đạt

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